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da Silva Pinto, T. (2021). Towards Proprioceptive Grasping with Soft Robotic Hands. Michigan State University.



1. Pinto, T., Chen, C., Pinger, C., & Tan, X. (2021). 3D-printed liquid metal-based stretchable conductors and pressure sensors. Smart Materials and Structures, 30(9), 095005. []

2. Qi, X., Shi, H., Pinto, T., & Tan, X. (2020). A novel pneumatic soft snake robot using traveling-wave locomotion in constrained environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), 1610-1617. []

3. Shi, H., Al‐Rubaiai, M., Holbrook, C. M., Miao, J., Pinto, T., Wang, C., & Tan, X. (2019). Screen‐printed soft capacitive sensors for spatial mapping of both positive and negative pressures. Advanced Functional Materials, 29(23), 1809116. []

4. Al-Rubaiai, M., Pinto, T., Qian, C., & Tan, X. (2019). Soft actuators with stiffness and shape modulation using 3D-printed conductive polylactic acid material. Soft robotics, 6(3), 318-332. []

5. Pinto, T., Cai, L., Wang, C., & Tan, X. (2017). CNT-based sensor arrays for local strain measurements in soft pneumatic actuators. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1(2), 157-166. []


1. Matt, S., Hou, W., Shi, H., Pinto, T., & Tan, X. (2021, April). Boundary layer turbulence near an actively controlled deformable surface. In Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XIII (Vol. 11752, p. 1175209). International Society for Optics and Photonics. []

2. Shi, H., Pinto, T., Qi, X., Coleman, D., Matt, S., Hou, W., & Tan, X. (2020, October). Dynamic Modeling of Voice Coil Motor-Actuated Flexible Membranes. In Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (Vol. 84287, p. V002T28A005). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. []

3. Shi, H., Pinto, T., Zhang, Y., Wang, C., & Tan, X. (2018, March). Soft capacitive sensors for measurement of both positive and negative pressures. In Nano-, Bio-, Info-Tech Sensors, and 3D Systems II (Vol. 10597, p. 105971E). International Society for Optics and Photonics. []

4. Al-Rubaiai, M., Pinto, T., Torres, D., Sepulveda, N., & Tan, X. (2017, September). Characterization of a 3d-printed conductive pla material with electrically controlled stiffness. In Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (Vol. 58257, p. V001T01A003). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. []

5. Kronbauer, A. H., Santos, C. A. S., & Pinto, T. (2013, December). UXEProject Infrastructure Evaluation From Its Potential Users Perspective. In International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE).


1. Developing Soft Robotics Exoskeleton and Testing EMG As a Potential Biofeedback Control (BMES 2018).

2. Using SOFA Framework in the Evolution of Markov Brain Controllers for Soft Robotic Grippers (NSF 2018).

3. Stiffness-controlled Soft Robotic Catheter with Nanomaterial-based Pressure Sensors for Measuring Tissue Hardness (IROS 2017).

4. A Soft Pneumatic Robotic Arm with Proprioceptive Sensors (BEACON 2016).

5. Soft Bending Actuators: Exploration of Fabrication Techniques (EGRS 2015).

Publications: List
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